Canthaxanthin (red pigment)

Wisdem Cantha-Red

Manufacturer name: Guangzhou Wisdom Biotechnology

Amount of active ingredient: 10%

Target animal: Poultry, aquatic


This product, under the brand name Cantha_Red, belongs to Wisdom Company. This company is one of the leading manufacturers of pigments and feed additives for livestock, poultry, and aquaculture in China, having started its operations in 1998.

Cantha_Red is a stabilized red pigment used in poultry feed and diets. This pigment contains 10% canthaxanthin. The production of pigment in egg yolks and chicken skin is a natural process, in which canthaxanthin is one of the essential coloring agents. Since poultry cannot synthesize canthaxanthin on their own, they must obtain it through their feed, where it gets stored in the skin and fat.

Product Features

Optimized pigmentation for egg yolks, chicken skin, and aquatic animals

Exceptional coating quality using advanced double-coating technology

High stability against unfavorable environmental conditions and resistance to moisture


25 kg cartons

Expiry Date

2 years after production


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