Canthaxanthin (red pigment)

Wisdem Cantha-Red

Manufacturer name: Guangzhou Wisdom Biotechnology

Amount of active ingredient: 10%

Target animal: Poultry, aquatic


This product with the brand name Cantha-Red belongs to Wisdom company. This company is one of the top specialized manufacturers of a complete list of natural and synthetic pigments in China, which has been operating since 1998. Wisdem Cantha-Red product is a stabilized source of red pigment used in poultry feed and ration and contains 10% canthaxanthin. Pigment production in egg yolk and chicken skin is a natural process in which canthaxanthin is one of the most essential coloring factors. Poultry are not able to synthesize canthaxanthin, so they must receive it through feed and store it in skin and fat.

Product features

  • Optimum pigmentation of egg yolk and skin of chicken and aquatic animals
  • Excellent coating quality with advanced double coating technique
  • High stability against adverse environmental conditions and resistant to moisture

Suggested dosage and method of administration

  • 30-50 grams per ton depending on the ration composition
    The calculation of the required amounts depends on the total amount of xanthophylls in the feed and the color intensity required in the poultry.


25 kg cartons (including 5 kg aluminum bags)


24 months after production

Storage conditions

Store in a dry, cool and well-ventilated place.


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