


CAS number: 72-19-5
Chemical formula: C4H9NO3
Molecular weight: 119.12 g/mol

Threonine is the third growth-limiting amino acid in broilers (in diets based on corn and soybean meal) and its deficiency, in addition to affecting performance parameters, can cause the efficiency of using sulfur-containing amino acids (methionine cysteine) and lysine. Supplementing threonine in food rations can help to improve bird health, and reduce costs and environmental problems by reducing the level of crude protein in food rations. Among the most important metabolic-physiological actions of threonine in the body, we can mention increasing the resistance of the immune system, increasing the length of intestinal villi and participation in intestinal secretions, participation in the synthesis of glycine and serine, optimal feather growth and improvement of food conversion ratio.

One of the most important points is the type of isomer and form of threonine used in the diet. Only the isomer of L-threonine has biological value for the body, and the use of its other isomers has no value (unlike methionine, whose isomers D and L have a very similar biological value for the body). The use of a granule form of threonine can also lead to increased stability, improved mixing, reduced waste during feed production (due to the lower consumption amounts of threonine compared to methionine and lysine, this is more important) and increased quality of performance in the digestive system.

Benefits of using L-threonine in feed:

Increasing body weight, improving feed conversion ratio (FCR) and production ratio
Improve the function of the immune system
Help feather growth
Improving the growth and function of the heart and blood vessels, liver, and central nerves
A more accurate balance of amino acids in the diet
Better secretion of mucin and digestive enzymes
Better growth of intestinal villi
Contribute to the synthesis of glycine and serine


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